ADAI -LAETA (Associated Laboratory for Energy, Transports and Aeronautics)



Missions and Goals








Prof Fausto Freire, coordinator of the CIE, was invited to participate in the EXPERT WORKSHOP ON TEMPORARY CARBON STORAGE FOR USE IN LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT & CARBON footprinting, Organized by the European Commission, JRC for Environment and Sustainability, 10th October in Ispra (Italy)

   Publication date: 21-10-2010    


Prof Fausto Freire, coordinator of the CIE, was invited to participate in the EXPERT WORKSHOP ON TEMPORARY CARBON STORAGE FOR USE IN LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT & CARBON footprinting, sponsored by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability , 10th October in Ispra (Italy).

The workshop brought together experts on climate change, carbon footprinting and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to review available options and to define the best method for accounting for the environmental benefits of temporary carbon-storage.

The workshop continued the work developed under the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD), which provides methodological recommendations for assessing the greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services, taking into account their full life cycle, for use in business and policy. The output of this workshop will include a joint review/position paper. This paper will outline the different approaches, their benefits/limitations, and present related conclusions to, as far as possible, define a best-approach.




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