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The CENTRE FOR INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY (CIE) at the University of Coimbra is a research group in the multi-disciplinary field of Industrial Ecology. The CIE develops and applies tools to enhance the sustainability of products and systems supported by life-cycle thinking.


The CIE is actively involved in the Energy for Sustainability Initiative at the University of Coimbra and is part of ADAI-LAETA (Associated Laboratory for Energy, Transports and Aeronautics).


The CIE promotes scientific research, development and innovation to support industry, public authorities, organizations, and consumers towards sustainable production and consumption. The CIE takes a holistic and systematic approach to the analysis of sustainable systems by exploring trade-offs and synergies between economy, environment and society.


The CIE has assembled a multidisciplinary team of faculty, researchers, doctoral/Master’s candidates, and visiting scholars. Research is carried out in collaboration with other Portuguese institutions and with international partners mainly in Europe, the United States and Latin America.


The CIE team has experience in both research and technical projects in the field of Industrial Ecology and provides expertise in:

    Life-cycle management

    Life-cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA)

    Environmental life-cycle assessment (LCA), Social LCA, and Life-Cycle Costing (LCC)

    Dynamic LCA, multi-objective optimization, and other extended life-cycle approaches

    Carbon, water, and environmental footprints


    Urban metabolism

    Circular Economy


Our expertise is applied in the following areas:

    Energy | renewables (bio-energy, bio-fuels, solar, and others), natural gas, electricity

    Transportation | sustainable mobility, vehicle components and systems (electric vehicles, trains, fleet analysis, batteries), power trains

    Buildings and Sustainable Architecture | building components, pre-fabricated architecture, sustainable construction and retro-fit, thermal insulation, sustainable urban development

    Agri-food and Forestry | fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils, animal-derived products, sustainable diets, wood-based materials, land-use change

    Waste Management | waste cooking oil, beef tallow, demilitarization, anaerobic digestion, building waste management



The CIE provides the following services:

    LCA studies and critical reviews (ISO 14040/44)

    Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), including DAPHabitat

    Product Carbon Footprint (PAS 2050, GHG Protocol, ISO 14067)

    Assessment of sustainability criteria for bio-fuels

    Sustainability assessment of buildings

    Development of eco-design tools (improvement of resource and energy efficiency, and waste minimization)

    Training and scientific meetings



O CENTRO PARA A ECOLOGIA INDUSTRIAL (CIE) na Universidade de Coimbra é um grupo de investigação na área multidisciplinar da Ecologia Industrial. A investigação do CIE visa promover a sustentabilidade de produtos e sistemas através do desenvolvimento e aplicação de abordagens de ciclo de vida.

O CIE tem um forte envolvimento na Iniciativa Energia para a Sustentabilidade da Universidade de Coimbra e faz parte da ADAI-LAETA (Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinâmica Industrial – Laboratório Associado em Energia, Transportes e Aerodinâmica).

O CIE reúne uma equipa multidisciplinar de docentes, investigadores, doutorandos, mestrandos e investigadores visitantes. A investigação é realizada em colaboração com outras instituições portuguesas e parceiros internacionais, principalmente na Europa, Estados Unidos e América Latina.

A equipa do CIE tem experiência em projetos técnicos e de investigação na área de Ecologia Industrial, nomeadamente em:

     Gestão do Ciclo de Vida

     Avaliação da Sustentabilidade de Ciclo de Vida

     Avaliação Ambiental de Ciclo de Vida (ACV), Avaliação Social de Ciclo de Vida, Avaliação Económica de Ciclo de Vida

     ACV dinâmica, otimização multiobjectivo, e outras abordagens de ciclo de vida

     Pegada de carbono, pegada da água e pegada ambiental


     Metabolismo urbano

     Economia circular


     Energia | renováveis (bioenergia, biocombustíveis, solar e outras), gás natural, eletricidade

     Transportes | mobilidade sustentável, sistemas de veículos e componentes automóveis (veículos elétricos, transporte ferroviário, análise de frotas, baterias)

     Edifícios e Arquitetura Sustentável | componentes de edifícios, arquitetura pré-fabricada, construção e remodelação sustentável, isolamento térmico, desenvolvimento urbano sustentável

     Agro-indústria e Florestas | frutas, vegetais, óleos vegetais, produtos de origem animal, dietas sustentáveis, produtos de madeira, alteração de uso dos solos

     Gestão de Resíduos | óleos alimentares usados, gordura animal, desmilitarização, digestão anaeróbia, gestão de resíduos de construção e demolição



     Estudos de ACV e revisões críticas (ISO 14040/44)

     Elaboração de Declarações Ambientais de Produto (DAP), incluindo DAPHabitat

     Avaliação da Pegada de Carbono do Produto (PAS 2050, GHG Protocol, ISO 14067)

     Avaliação de critérios de sustentabilidade de biocombustíveis

     Avaliação da sustentabilidade de edifícios

     Desenvolvimento de ferramentas de eco-design

     Formação e organização de encontros científicos



Call for two research grants for doctoral candidates to work on the project "BetterPlastics – Plastics in a Circular Economy". Deadline: 20.01.2021

Call for one Doctoral studentship. Deadline: 06/11/2020






Prefabrication is an opportunity to reduce costs and environmental impacts of buildings



Vanessa Tavares and Fausto Freire published an article in the international reference magazine "Building and Environment" that concludes that prefabrication is an opportunity to reduce costs and environmental impacts in the construction sector. More information here: [+] and full paper here: [+]


Plastics and the Environment: Partners or Enemies?



Fausto Freire participated in the conference “Plásticos e Ambiente – Parceiros ou Inimigos?” (Plastics and the Environment: Partners or Enemies?), on the 4th of July, at the Leiria Museum, Leiria, which brought together personalities from various quarters in a serious and constructive reflection about plastic use and pollution. A news article about the conference can be found here: [+]



OPTIMA project on the news!


Equipa do Projeto OPTIMA


The OPTIMA project featured on several news channels in Portugal: [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+].







OPTIMA team at the UC met Prof. Roland Clift


Meetings of OPTIMA Work Package 6 (WP6) took place at the University of Coimbra

with the various team members and the participation of Professor Roland Clift, Emeritus Professor of Environmental Technology in the Centre for Environment and Sustainability of the University of Surrey, and widely known for his work and contributions to the topic of sustainability. In two consecutive meetings, researchers from WP6 presented and discussed the work to be carried out in OPTIMA. Prof. Clift gave his insights on the approach to be taken and emphasized the opportunities that arise from the convergence of Life Cycle Assessment, Risk Assessment and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis representatives working together for the integrated assessment of crop protection systems.






By Prof. Roland Clift

8 May 2019, 11h30

Amphitheatre II, DEM-UC





Kick-off meeting of OPTIMA at UC



In January 14, 2019, the kick-off meeting for the Work Package 6 "Human Health, Environmental and Socioeconomic Life-Cycle Analysis & Risk Assessment" of the OPTIMA project took place at the University of Coimbra. Researchers from the three research groups at UC participating in WP6 (Center for Industrial Ecology, Center for Functional Ecology and Center for Business and Economics Research), respectively with expertise in the fields of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Human Health and Environmental Risk Assessment (HERA) and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) will join forces to develop a framework to assess the sustainability of the pest management solutions developed by OPTIMA.




Vanessa Tavares, PhD candidate in SES-UC, won the Best Poster Award at the XII Encontro Iniciativa EfS: Mesa Redonda dedicada ao tema "As oportunidades da Economia Verde", which took place on March 13th 2019, at the Auditorium Laginha Serafim, DEC-UC. Congratulations, Vanessa!



New R&D projects at CIE-UC in 2018


Life Cycle Assessment and eco-design of medicine packaging, funded by VALORMED (starting in January 2018, 12 months);


OPTIMA – Optimised Pest Integrated Management to precisely detect and control plant diseases in perennial crops and open-field vegetables, funded by H2020 funds (starting in September 2018, 40 months);


StreamLAB – Streamlined environmental and cost life­cycle assessment of building retrofits: a decision­supporting tool (MIT-EXPL/SUS/0013/2017) funded by FCT, a collaboration between CIE-UC, INESC-Coimbra and the MSL-MIT (starting later in 2018, 12 months);


SET-LCA – Streamlined Ecodesign Tools based on Life Cycle Assessment incorporating uncertainty (CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-030570), funded by FCT/FEDER;


T4ENERTEC – Tools for supporting the selection of energy efficient technologies (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029820), funded by FCT/FEDER.




[+] News


Last updated on April 30 2019.