




L-C seminars



Life-Cycle Lunch Seminars



The Life-Cycle Lunch Seminars (LCLS) are sessions in which researchers (both from CIE and invited speakers) present and discuss topics related to Life-Cycle Assessment and Management, in the context of ongoing projects/thesis. They usually take place before the CIE group lunch, on Wednesdays, and last approximately 45 minutes (20-30 min presentation + 15-20 min discussion). The aim of the LCLS is to share and expand the knowledge on LCA and related topics as well as to create synergies between researchers at CIE and other organizations.


If you are interested in attending one of our upcoming seminars, please send an email to rita.garcia(a)dem.uc.pt.


Upcoming Lunch Seminars



6 December | 14h00 | DEM-UC

“Linking the urban form to environmental and health impacts with a life-cycle approach”, by Joana Bastos


Previous Lunch Seminars



27 September

“Extended environmental life-cycle assessment of munitions: Addressing chemical toxicity hazard on human health”, by Carlos Ferreira


26 April

 “Comprehensive life cycle assessment of new houses in Portugal: Building design, envelope, and operational conditions”, by Helena Monteiro


8 March

“Life-Cycle Environmental and Cost assessment of Building Retrofits: Evaluating Conventional and Streamlined Approaches”, by Carla Rodrigues


11 January

“Optimization of Feedstock Blends to Improve Biodiesel Cost Effectiveness and Manage Environmental Impacts”, by Carla Caldeira



29 March

JGregory “Streamlining residential building life cycle assessment via probabilistic underspecification”, by Jeremy Gregory

Dr. Jeremy Gregory is Research Scientist at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering Systems Division, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the Executive Director of the MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub. He holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the MIT. Dr. Gregory studies the economic and environmental implications of engineering and system design decisions, particularly in the area of materials production and recovery systems. Research topics include product and firm environmental footprinting, manufacturing and life-cycle cost analysis, and characterization of sustainable material systems. He has applied these methods, often with industry partners, to a range of different products and industries including pavements, buildings, automobiles, electronics, consumer goods, and waste treatment and recovery.


23 March

“Dynamic Fleet-Based LCA: Addressing Environmental Consequences of the Introduction of EVs in Portugal”, by Rita Garcia



28 October

“What is new in USEtox 2.0?”, by Carlos Ferreira

USEtox was officially endorsed by the UNEP/SETAC Life-Cycle Initiative, and recommended as an assessment method by the European Commission for characterizing Human Toxicological and Ecotoxicological impacts of chemical emissions in Life-Cycle Assessment. This presentation refers to the new version of USEtox 2.0 and will cover the novelty in endpoints, spatial scale, pesticides and interface wizard.


16 September

“Calculating emissions from road transport: introduction to COPERT 4 software”, by Joana Bastos and Pedro Marques

COPERT 4 is a software program to calculate air pollutant emissions from road transport, based on the EMEP/CORINAIR Emission Inventory Guidebook. The presentation will mainly comprise a brief introduction, a brief description of the methodology and data requirements within the COPERT model, and the introduction to the software, including an application example.



5 November

“Life-cycle optimization model for distributed generation in buildings”, by Amir Safaei.


29 October

“Robust decision making in vehicle LCA, the need for uncertainty propagation”, by Maarten Messagie.

The aim of this lecture is to give insights in how to bring uncertainty propagation in LCA. One of the main shortcomings in literature on vehicle LCA is the lack of incorporating uncertainties. In most studies, environmental impacts are shown with single values. The complexity, uncertainty and variability of the system are not well approximated with single values. Single values approximate the environmental impact of a vehicle, but fail to provide a wider view on the possible effects. Uncertainties are an inherent part of LCA and should not be avoided but embraced and made explicit in the result. Identifying and integrating uncertainties in the result gives a more robust interpretation. Many sources of uncertainty exist in LCA, two distinct classes of uncertainties are discussed, namely parameter uncertainty and modeling uncertainty.

Firstly, parameter uncertainty deals with the variability of the car market, the mismatches between the theoretic values derived from the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) compared to the real life driving conditions and the unrepresentativity and inaccuracy of the background data (data from general databases). The most spectacular differences between the NEDC and the real-life values concern the emissions of NOx and CO. However, the contribution of the market variability to the overall uncertainty is larger compared with the uncertainties due to differences in driving cycle. The influence of the uncertainties on the result is made explicit by adding error bars in the LCA graphs.

Secondly, modeling uncertainty deals with the uncertainty in life cycle impact assessment due to normalization, weighting and methodology. The choice of the Life Cycle Impact Assessment method itself introduces an uncertainty. The different vehicle technologies are compared using EDIP, Eco-Indicator 99, EPS and Impact 2002 to calculate the environmental performance. As the impact methods have different viewpoints on environmental impact a large difference in ranking is observed.


Dr. ing. Maarten Messagie is a full-time post-doc researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, where he leads the LCA team of MOBI – Mobility, Logistics and automotive technology research centre (http://mobi.vub.ac.be). MOBI is an interdisciplinary and growing team of +50 staff members focused on sustainable mobility and logistics. Maarten Messagie graduated in 2006 as engineer specialized in industrial design. In 2008 he obtained a Master degree in “Sustainable Development and Human Ecology” at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He studied Life Cycle Assessment as PhD student at the Aalborg University and at the University of Trondheim (NTNU). In 2013 he received his PhD in engineering from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He is an active member of EARPA (European Automotive Research Partner Association) and collaborates intensively to the vehicle LCA task of the International Energy Agency. Maarten develops and coordinates several large European and national projects and supervises PhD students. He is a guest lecturer teaching Life Cycle Assessment at the VUB and ULB. His expertise and research focus is on uncertainty propagation in Life Cycle Assessment, vehicle-LCA, sustainable energy systems, mineral and metal depletion, electric vehicles, energy storage technologies, transition pathways, sustainability concepts, consequential LCA, ecodesign, life cycle management, environmental business model generation and market driven environmental consequences of consumption.


11 June

“Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Soybean and Palm Biodiesel Systems”, by Érica Castanheira.


15 January

“Social Life-Cycle Assessment”, by Chongyang Du.



12 December

“Integration of LCA and Risk Analysis: the case-study of soy biodiesel production”, by Francesco Spina.


3 April

“SALCA – Swiss Agricultural Life Cycle Assessment”, by Carolina Passeira.

Agricultural systems have become a focus in the last three decades, not only because of their obvious importance in humans’ life but also because of their contributions for global warming (about 12% of the total emissions, according to the IPCC). For that reason, stakeholders saw an opportunity to create a generic tool to assess and improve agriculture’s environmental impacts. From a strong connection between Agroscope, Ecoinvent  and several stakeholders in food production, food and energy industry, government and consumers, SALCA was shaped. This user friendly generic tool was already used for many studies, in many points of Europe, and it has proven its value and consistency.


6 March

“The Environmental Impact of Internet-Based Services”, by Vlad Coroama.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are increasingly seen as important contributors towards societal dematerialization, through the substitution of ICT-based services for less efficient processes and activities. Such claims, however, seldomly go beyond mere visions, as the substitutes’ own environmental impacts are poorly understood. While numerous assessments of the energy consumption and carbon intensity of ICT equipment were put forward, they typically only pay attention to the use-phase of the equipment, ignoring the rest of the life cycle. Moreover, existing studies focus on ICT equipment and largely ignore the services it enables, which are the ones actually inducing dematerialization. The talk focuses on these gaps and presents some recent, LCA-based studies of the environmental impact of Internet-based services.


About Vlad Coroama: A computer scientist by education, Vlad's research focuses on the environmental impact assessment of the Internet, its services, and their dematerialization potential. He is both a skeptic about his own field, and a firm believer in Dave MacKay's "1% rule" that states that, when it comes to sustainability, the societal and academic discussion should focus on the big numbers, and not on peanuts.


13 February

“Presentation of the ecoEditor software for the submission of inventories to ecoinvent (v.3)”, by João Queiróz.



21 November

“Climate Change and Health Risks”, by Eng Isabel Lança


10 October


"Life-cycle assessment of olive oil and wine in Portugal", by Ana Mateus

"Life-cycle assessment of rapeseed biodiesel, with uncertainty analysis”, by António Coelho


25 July


 “Projeto BIOACV: Comparação da ACV de biodiesel de soja e gordura animal via rotas metílicas e etílicas – Discussões metodológicas”, by MSc Renata P. S. Grisoli

O objetivo da palestra é apresentar o Projeto BIOACV (Comparação da ACV de biodiesel de soja e gordura animal via rotas metílicas e etílicas) financiado pelo CNPq no Brasil em parceria com Centro para a Ecologia Industrial, discutindo principalmente as questões e desafios metodológicos existentes para a elaboração do inventário de ciclo de vida do biodiesel de soja.


Msc Renata P. S. Grisoli CV: http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4587911Y0




15 June

Bioenergy in Brazil”, by Prof. Suani Teixeira Coelho

O objetivo da palestra é apresentar a experiência brasileira na área de bioenergia, das fontes mais convencionais como o etanol e biodiesel às menos conhecidas, como o uso energético de resíduos sólidos, resíduos agrícolas e bioenergia para comunidades da Amazônia, além de como é possível a replicação do programa brasileiro em outros países em desenvolvimento. Os projetos do CENBIO serão também brevemente apresentados. More details


Prof Suani Teixeira Coelho CV: https://uspdigital.usp.br/tycho/CurriculoLattesMostrar?codpub=47A26F4C07D4






8 June


DSCF0013 “Environmental and Public Health Impacts of Urban Transportation Infrastructure”, by Prof. Stuart Batterman

Motorized transportation and freight-related infrastructure in cities, including cars, buses, trucks, trains and ships, provide the mobility and services our economy and culture has demanded.  We now recognize that this infrastructure leads to many environmental and health impacts.  This seminar will review air quality issues related to transportation infrastructure, discuss methods used to analyze the spatial impacts of traffic, and present designs and results of research investigating vehicle-related emissions and health effects, including ongoing studies. More details


Stuart Batterman is Professor of Environmental Health Sciences at the University of Michigan (UM) School of Public Health (http://www.sph.umich.edu/iscr/faculty/profile.cfm?uniqname=stuartb). Currently he is Fulbright Visiting Professor at the University of Coimbra (http://www.fulbright.pt/articles/bolseiros/stuart-batterman).



22 May


 “Application of life cycle assessment to biofuels production: cases studies”, by Sara González-García

Sara González-García is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies – CESAM, University of Aveiro. She graduated in Chemical Engineering and has a MSc in Environmental Engineering and a PhD in Chemical Engineering (2009) from the University of Santiago de Compostela.


10 May


“Life-cycle GHG assessment of soybean biodiesel: implications of land use change, cultivation systems and multifunctionality approaches”, by Érica Castanheira

In this session Erica will present the overall purpose of her PhD thesis and the application of her research to a specific case study: soybean biodiesel. A LC greenhouse gas emissions assessment of biodiesel produced in Portugal, based on soybean cultivated in Latin-America will be presented, assessing the implications of different cultivation systems and land use change scenarios. A sensitivity analysis to alternative approaches for addressing multifunctionality in soybean biodiesel chain will be also presented.


“Life cycle optimization model for building sector integrating cogeneration and solar systems”, by Amir Safaei


04 April


“How to write a scientific paper: structure and content”, by Rita Domingues

Nowadays researches face a major challenge for writing scientific papers due to their growth production. Consequently, there is a need to improve writing techniques to assure the accomplishment of high quality papers. This presentation focus on the typical structure and contents of a scientific article, with emphasis on the contents of each stage of the writing task and typical mistakes made.


29 February 


"Sunflower or Microalgae Biodiesel in Portugal: a comparative life cycle assessment", by Filipa Figueiredo

This paper presents a Life Cycle Assessment of two biodiesel systems, one produced from sunflower oil and the other from microalgae, using the impact assessment method ReCiPe. Different alternative scenarios were considered regarding raw material production for both systems. An assessment of the cultivation area needed for the substitution of 10% of diesel consumed in the transportation sector for biodiesel was also performed.


“Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Conventional and Electric Vehicles", by Pedro Marques

This paper aims at presenting a comparative life-cycle assessment of conventional (diesel and gasoline) and electric (BEV and PHEV) vehicles. Five environmental impact categories have been analyzed (abiotic depletion, acidification, eutrophication, global warming and ozone layer depletion), using the CML 2000 method. The results show that the electricity mix scenario is a determining factor in the choice of the technology with the least environmental impacts for four of the five categories analyzed (abiotic depletion, acidification, eutrophication and global warming).


“Energetic and Environmental Assessment of the demilitarization of military munitions in static kiln", by Carlos Ferreira

Nowadays organizations face growing environmental constraints, particularly in the form of legal requirements, and the defense sector is no exception. The main objective of this paper is to present a Life-Cycle Assessment of demilitarization, assessing the energy and environmental impacts. Results show that incineration and gas treatment are the main contributors to energy and environmental impacts, due to the consumption of propane and electricity.


14 February


“LCA (cradle-to-gate) of particleboard in Brazil”, by Diogo Silva

This presentation shows the results of the application of ACV to the Brazilian medium-density particleboard (MDP), from a cradle-to-product-gate perspective. The main hotspots are identified and discussed by comparing the contributions of the forest activities with the industrial process. A scenario analysis is also be performed regarding the processes that contribute the most to the environmental impacts. Suggestions for the improvement of the environmental performance of this product are also discussed.


“LCA (cradle-to-grave) of particleboard: PT vs BR differences, end-of-life scenario analysis and temporary carbon storage methods”, by Rita Garcia

Presentation about the life cycle assessment of particleboard in the Portuguese context, using the ReCiPE and CED impact assessment methods. Focus will be given on the differences between the Portuguese and Brazilian particleboard cradle-to-gate LCA results. Three scenarios for the particleboard end-of-life will be assessed, namely recycling, incineration and landfill disposal. A comparison between different methods for assessing temporary carbon storage in wood products will also be performed.


24 January


USEtox: a new method for toxicological impact”, by Carlos Ferreira

Presentation about the new toxicological impact assessment method – USEtox. Special emphasis will be given on the method and characterization factors development, as well as on some inherent specificities, such as units, spatial differentiation, interim and recommended factors and uncertainty.



Os Life-Cycle Lunch Seminars (LCLS) são sessões quinzenais com apresentações e discussões de temas relacionado com a Gestão e a Avaliação de Ciclo de Vida no contexto de projetos/teses em curso. Ocorrem antes do almoço de grupo, às 4as feiras, e têm uma duração aproximada de 45 minutos (20-30 min de apresentação + 15-20 min de discussão). Pretende-se que estas sessões possam, por um lado, servir para partilhar e aprofundar o conhecimento em ACV e, por outro, criar sinergias entre os investigadores do CIE e/ou outras instituições.

Se estiver interessado em participar num dos próximos LCLS por favor envie um email para rita.garcia(a)dem.uc.pt.


Próximos seminários


A anunciar.


Seminários anteriores



5 November

“Life-cycle optimization model for distributed generation in buildings”, by Amir Safaei.


29 October

“Robust decision making in vehicle LCA, the need for uncertainty propagation”, by Maarten Messagie.


11 Junho

“Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Soybean and Palm Biodiesel Systems”, por Érica Castanheira.


15 Janeiro

“Social Life-Cycle Assessment”, por Chongyang Du.



12 Dezembro

“Integration of LCA and Risk Analysis: the case-study of soy biodiesel production”, por Francesco Spina.


3 Abril

“SALCA – Swiss Agricultural Life Cycle Assessment, por Carolina Passeira.

Os sistemas agrícolas tornaram-se um foco nas últimas décadas, não só devido à sua importância óbvia na vida humana, mas também devido à sua contribuição para o aquecimento global (cerca de 12% das emissões totais de GEE, de acordo com o IPCC). Por essa razão, os stakeholders viram uma oportunidade para desenvolver uma ferramenta genérica para avaliar e melhorar os impactes ambientais da agricultura. SALCA foi criado a partir de uma forte ligação entre o Agroscope, o Ecoinvent e vários stakeholders nos sectores da produção de alimentos, indústria alimentar e energética, governo e consumidores. Esta ferramenta genérica e user-friendly foi já usada em vários estudos, em vários pontos da Europa, e já provou o seu valor e consistência.


6 Março

“Os impactes ambientais dos serviços de Internet”, por Vlad Coroama.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are increasingly seen as important contributors towards societal dematerialization, through the substitution of ICT-based services for less efficient processes and activities. Such claims, however, seldomly go beyond mere visions, as the substitutes’ own environmental impacts are poorly understood. While numerous assessments of the energy consumption and carbon intensity of ICT equipment were put forward, they typically only pay attention to the use-phase of the equipment, ignoring the rest of the life cycle. Moreover, existing studies focus on ICT equipment and largely ignore the services it enables, which are the ones actually inducing dematerialization. The talk focuses on these gaps and presents some recent, LCA-based studies of the environmental impact of Internet-based services.


About Vlad Coroama: A computer scientist by education, Vlad's research focuses on the environmental impact assessment of the Internet, its services, and their dematerialization potential. He is both a skeptic about his own field, and a firm believer in Dave MacKay's "1% rule" that states that, when it comes to sustainability, the societal and academic discussion should focus on the big numbers, and not on peanuts.


13 Fevereiro

“Apresentação do software ecoEditor para submissão de inventários para o ecoinvent (versão 3)", pelo João Queiróz.



21 Novembro

 “Alterações Climáticas e Riscos para a Saúde”, Eng. Isabel Lança

Eng. Isabel Lança é Coordenadora do Colégio de Engenharia do Ambiente da região Centro e responsável da área de Saúde Ambiental do Departamento de Saúde Pública da Administração Regional de Saúde do Centro



10 Outubro


“Avaliação de Ciclo de Vida do Azeite e do Vinho em Portugal”, pela Ana Mateus

“Avaliação de Ciclo de Vida do Biodiesel de Colza Incorporando Incerteza”, pelo António Coelho



25 Julho


“Projeto BIOACV: Comparação da ACV de biodiesel de soja e gordura animal via rotas metílicas e etílicas – Discussões metodológicas”, by MSc Renata P. S. Grisoli

O objetivo da palestra é apresentar o Projeto BIOACV (Comparação da ACV de biodiesel de soja e gordura animal via rotas metílicas e etílicas) financiado pelo CNPq no Brasil em parceria com Centro para a Ecologia Industrial, discutindo principalmente as questões e desafios metodológicos existentes para a elaboração do inventário de ciclo de vida do biodiesel de soja.


Msc Renata P. S. Grisoli CV: http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4587911Y0



15 Junho


“Bioenergia no Brasil”, apresentado por Prof. Suani Teixeira Coelho

O objetivo da palestra é apresentar a experiência brasileira na área de bioenergia, das fontes mais convencionais como o etanol e biodiesel às menos conhecidas, como o uso energético de resíduos sólidos, resíduos agrícolas e bioenergia para comunidades da Amazônia, além de como é possível a replicação do programa brasileiro em outros países em desenvolvimento. Os projetos do CENBIO serão também brevemente apresentados.


CV Prof Suani Teixeira Coelho: https://uspdigital.usp.br/tycho/CurriculoLattesMostrar?codpub=47A26F4C07D4


8 Junho


 “Environmental and Public Health Impacts of Urban Transportation Infrastructure”, apresentado por Prof. Stuart Batterman

Motorized transportation and freight-related infrastructure in cities, including cars, buses, trucks, trains and ships, provide the mobility and services our economy and culture has demanded.  We now recognize that this infrastructure leads to many environmental and health impacts.  This seminar will review air quality issues related to transportation infrastructure, discuss methods used to analyze the spatial impacts of traffic, and present designs and results of research investigating vehicle-related emissions and health effects, including ongoing studies. Mais info


Stuart Batterman é Professor de Ciências Ambientais e da Saúde na Environmental Health Sciences at the University of Michigan (UM) School of Public Health (http://www.sph.umich.edu/iscr/faculty/profile.cfm?uniqname=stuartb). Actualmente é Fulbright Visiting Professor na Universidade de Coimbra (http://www.fulbright.pt/articles/bolseiros/stuart-batterman).



22 Maio


“Application of life cycle assessment to biofuels production: cases studies”, apresentado por Sara González-García

Sara González-García é actualmente investigadora Pós-Doc no Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, da Universidade de Aveiro. Licenciou-se em Engenharia Química, é Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente e Doutora em Engenharia Química (2009) pela Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.



10 Maio


“Life-cycle GHG assessment of soybean biodiesel: implications of land use change, cultivation systems and multifunctionality approaches”, apresentado por Érica Castanheira

Nesta sessão, Érica irá apresentar os objectivos gerais da sua tese de Doutoramento bem como a aplicação da sua investigação a um caso de estudo específico: biodiesel de soja. Será apresentada uma avaliação de ciclo de vida de gases com efeito de estufa associados à produção de biodiesel em Portugal, baseado em soja cultivada na América Latina, analisando as implicações de diferentes sistemas de cultivo e cenários de alteração de uso dos solos. Será igualmente apresentada uma análise de sensibilidade a diferentes abordagens para lidar com a multifuncionalidade na cadeia de produção de biodiesel de soja.


“Life cycle optimization model for building sector integrating cogeneration and solar systems”, apresentado por Amir Safaei


04 Abril


“Como elaborar um artigo científico: estrutura e conteúdo”, apresentado por Rita Domingues

Actualmente, os investigadores são confrontados com o desafio de escrever artigos científicos, dada a sua crescente produção. Consequentemente, existe uma necessidade de melhorar as técnicas de escrita para assegurar a realização de artigos de elevada qualidade. Esta apresentação foca-se na estrutura e conteúdos típicos de um artigo científico, com ênfase nos conteúdos de cada etapa do processo de escrita e nos principais erros cometidos.


29 Fevereiro


"Biodiesel de girassol ou microalgas em Portugal: Uma avaliação comparativa de ciclo de vida", apresentado por Filipa Figueiredo

Na presente comunicação é apresentada uma avaliação de ciclo de vida (ACV) para dois sistemas de biodiesel, um produzido com base em óleo de girassol e outro em microalgas, utilizando o método de avaliação de impactes ambientais ReCiPe. Para ambos os sistemas foram considerados diferentes cenários alternativos para o cultivo das matérias-primas. É ainda feita uma análise relativa às áreas de cultivo necessárias para a substituição de 10% do consumo de gasóleo no sector dos transportes por biodiesel.


“Avaliação Ambiental de Ciclo de Vida de Veículos Convencionais e Eléctricos”, apresentado por Pedro Marques

O presente artigo tem por objectivo apresentar uma avaliação comparativa de ciclo de vida de veículos convencionais (gasóleo e gasolina) e eléctricos (100% e plug-in híbrido). Foram analisadas 5 categorias de impacte ambiental (depleção abiótica, acidificação, eutrofização, aquecimento global, depleção da camada de ozono) com recurso ao método CML 2000. Concluiu-se que o cenário de geração de electricidade é determinante na escolha da tecnologia com menores impactes ambientais, para 4 das 5 categorias analisadas (depleção abiótica, aquecimento global, acidificação e eutrofização).


“Avaliação Energética e Ambiental da Desmilitarização de Munições Militares em Forno Estático”, apresentado por Carlos Ferreira

Actualmente as organizações enfrentam exigências ambientais crescentes, nomeadamente sob a forma de obrigações legais, e as do sector de defesa não são excepção. O objectivo principal deste trabalho é apresentar uma Avaliação de Ciclo de Vida da desmilitarização de uma munição militar em fim de vida, avaliando os impactes energéticos e ambientais. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o processo de incineração e o tratamento de gases são os principais responsáveis para os impactes energéticos e ambientais e isso deve-se sobretudo ao consumo de propano e de electricidade.


14 Fevereiro 


“ACV (cradle-to-gate) do painel de madeira MDP no Brasil”, apresentado por Diogo Silva

A presente apresentação mostra os resultados gerais referentes à aplicação da ACV para o painel MDP brasileiro, numa abordagem cradle to product gate, onde os principais hotspots são identificados e discutidos sob a perspectiva comparativa entre as atividades de produção florestal vs. produção industrial, e ainda, acrescentando-se análises de cenários para os insumos que mais contribuíram para os impactos potenciais verificados. Sugestões para a melhoria de desempenho ambiental do produto também são discutidas.


“ACV (cradle-to-grave) de painéis aglomerados de partículas: diferenças de contexto Portugal/Brasil, análise de cenários de final de vida e métodos de avaliação do armazenamento de carbono”, apresentado por Rita Garcia

Apresentação sobre a Avaliação de Ciclo de Vida de painéis aglomerados de partículas no contexto português, usando os métodos de avaliação de impactes ReCiPe e CED. É dado destaque às diferenças de contexto entre Portugal e o Brasil e as suas implicações em termos dos resultados da ACV. Adicionalmente são avaliados três cenários de final de vida, nomeadamente reciclagem, incineração e deposição em aterro sanitário. É ainda realizada uma comparação entre diferentes métodos de cálculo do armazenamento temporário de carbono.


24 Janeiro


USEtox: a new method for toxicological impact”, por Carlos Ferreira
Apresentação do novo método de cálculo de impactes toxicológicos - USEtox, dando especial atenção ao desenvolvimento do método e seus factores de caracterização, além de algumas particularidades inerentes ao USEtox (unidade, diferenciação espacial, factores provisórios e recomendados, incerteza).