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INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY AND LIFE-CYCLE MANAGEMENT Fórum de Discussão em Ecologia Industrial e
Gestão de Ciclo de Vida April 7-8 2014 Auditorium of the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Coimbra (UC), Polo II Campus This discussion forum addresses current research in
Industrial Ecology and Life-Cycle Management. The forum brings together
faculty, researchers and doctoral students to discuss methodological
developments and extended approaches in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
Applications to bioenergy, buildings and urban environment are also
addressed. The forum includes a keynote lecture by Prof.
Roland Clift, followed by five working sessions. |
Keynote Speaker Professor Roland Clift, Emeritus
Professor Centre for Environmental Strategy, University of Surrey, Guildford,
Surrey, UK Life Cycle Assessment: Can We Look Beyond
Environmental Impacts? Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) is well established as a tool for analysing and managing the
environmental impacts of supply chains, for example in the use of
“attributional” analysis for labelling of products and services. The type of analysis known as
“consequential LCA” is gaining acceptance as a tool to support policy
decisions (although the methodological differences between attributional and
consequential LCA are still subject to hot debate). Combining environmental with economic
analysis leads to a form of Value Chain Analysis which has already shown
itself to provide unusual insights; some examples will be presented. Going further to include the equity
dimension of sustainability presents more difficulty. An approach to Social LCA has been proposed
by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Society for Environmental Toxicology
and Chemistry (SETAC) but the UNEP/SETAC approach has been much criticised
and its use is so far limited. Other
possible approaches to Social LCA will be discussed, with examples from the
food and garment sectors. The analysis
leads to useful insights into how to promote “Sustainable Consumption”. Professor Roland Clift CBE FREng Emeritus Professor of Environmental Technology and founding Director
of the Centre for Environmental Strategy at the University of Surrey;
previously Head of the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at the
University of Surrey; Visiting Professor in Environmental System Analysis at
Chalmers University, Göteborg, Sweden; Adjunct
Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada; past President and Executive Director of the
International Society for Industrial Ecology; past member of the UK Royal
Commission on Environmental Pollution, Ecolabelling Board and Science
Advisory Council of the Department of the Environment, food and Rural Affairs
(DEFRA). Prof.
Clift’s research is concerned with system approaches to environmental
management and industrial ecology, including life cycle assessment and energy
systems. Program (pdf version)
Program last updated on
March 31. Registration Registration fee
The registration
fee includes: §
Access to all sessions §
of the Workshop §
(April 8) and coffee breaks To register for the Workshop, please fill in the Registration Form
and send it together with the transfer receipt to carla.caldeira@dem.uc.pt. Contact For more information please contact: carla.caldeira@dem.uc.pt | +351 239 790 708 Organization: Prof. Fausto Freire, DEM-FCTUC Pólo II Support This workshop was
supported by Fundação para a Ciência
e a Tecnologia (FCT) under the projects
MIT/SET/0014/2009, MIT/MCA/0066/2009, and PTDC/SEN-TRA/117251/2010. It was
also supported by the Energy and Mobility for Sustainable Regions Project